Saturday, December 28, 2019

Machiavelli And Socrates - 896 Words

Machiavelli and Socrates are two of the most prominent philosophers of history. Each men are characterized by developing distinct schools of thought regarding individual rights and statehood. Machiavelli’s The Prince is a manual for rulers: lessons based on empirical observations of history. In The Apology written by Plato, Socrates delivers a justification to an Athenian court. It is not so much an apology for his accused actions, but an oration of his personal beliefs regarding free thought. What would have Socrates thought of Machiavelli’s version of an ideal prince?†¦show more content†¦Next, the prince must delegate the dirty work to others and leave the favorable acts for himself. Citizens are important to government, and so are their approvals of government. The support of the people can elevate the power of the prince. Machiavelli discredits the presence of morality in politics. In fact, he encourages amoral actions for the prince. In The Apology , Socrates defends his honor and advances his belief in truth-seeking. He believed that probing the minds of others was integral to the advancement of human understanding. However, some saw his inquisitive nature as dangerous. Since he publicized his opinions, he posed a threat to the state. He did not blindly conform to its practices. Socrates protected his honor, and opted to die than to waive on his convictions. He sought to ask questions, to scrutinize authorities, and to challenge establishments. At the core of Socrates’ political opinions, he evaluated that individuals must think for themselves.. He wanted to create a change within the system. Socrates did not wage war againstShow MoreRelatedSocrates And Machiavelli1681 Words   |  7 PagesS ocrates, in his early works, maintained a steadfast distance from involvement in politics, making a comparison or evaluation of a political system in his persona technically impossible. To claim that Socrates would or would not be supportive of any political system might then seem irresponsible, a presumptuous analysis not fitting for an academic recognizing the false equivalence between Socrates’ philosophy and Machiavelli’s political ethics. The strategy to conduct any sort of liable and validRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1579 Words   |  7 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates Niccolo Machiavelli and Socrates both lived during turbulent, political times. Machiavelli in Florence, Italy and Socrates in Athens. Machiavelli’s The Prince outlines the necessary features and traits of a sovereign, primarily, a Prince. It served as a handbook to effective rulership in the 16th century. By analyzing Machiavelli’s belief that a prince should be strategically feared, the role of free will , and the role of the people , I will argue that Machiavelli hasRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1840 Words   |  8 Pagesrespective times, Socrates and Niccolà ³ Machiavelli had very different methods and beliefs of how a political system should be run. The mindset of Socrates can be seen in the works Apology and Crito by Plato. Socrates, who values wisdom and justice over power and prestige, would view Machiavelli’s concept of a Prince very contradicting to how he believes a good life should be lived. In his work, The Prince, Machiavelli details how a princ e should rule and maintain power. Socrates would not be supportiveRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli1860 Words   |  8 PagesPolitical Theorists: Moralities and Wisdom Political theorists, Socrates and Machiavelli, each provide their own ideas and philosophies for political structure that are still being discussed today. In Plato’s writings of â€Å"Apology† and â€Å"Crito†, he defines Socrates as man of wisdom and humbleness as he goes through trial and death of a crime he did not commit. Machiavelli’s writing of â€Å"The Prince† was written as a way to advise a Prince on how to achieve the greatest success as a ruler. These twoRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli1660 Words   |  7 Pagesworks of Socrates and Machiavelli are as polarized as the phrases â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living† and â€Å"the ends justify the means.† The Prince by Machiavelli and The Last Days of Socrates by Plato are both crucial texts to the discussion of what makes a good political leader. Well, what makes a good political leader? Socrates would disagree with Machiavelli’s ideation of the Prince becau se of the immorality that he allows this model to have in the public sphere. However, Socrates would findRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1713 Words   |  7 PagesSocrates and Niccolà ² Machiavelli were both political philosophers who lived through corruption, violence, and political restlessness. These circumstances prompted them to develop their own solutions for their respective societies. This included the creation of a stable political system with a strong and effective leader through the examination of the faults of said societies. To Machiavelli, this leader is known as the â€Å"Prince.† He believes that the Prince should be pragmatic in his actions, andRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli1961 Words   |  8 PagesWhat would Socrates think of Machiavelli’s political world? Socrates and Machiavelli were some of the most influential political philosophers in their respective times. Some argue that their view of empowering individuals, whether it be through free speech or ruthless fighting, are quite similar. However, their views of leadership and government do not align. Socrates’ support for free expression and due process makes his view of effective governance far different from Machiavelli’s focus on nationalRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli2009 Words   |  9 PagesSocrates and Machiavelli are both very influential philosophers and two of the great minds of their time. However, both of these men had their own separate ideas that did not completely agree with one another. Machiavelli was born into a Renaissance time period of fragmented politics, lots of bloodshed, and angry citizens while Socrates grew up in a time of political adjustment and instability in Athens. Machiavelli constructed The Prince as a political pamphlet to his frie nd Lorenzo de MediciRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1976 Words   |  8 Pagesand turmoil, both Socrates and Machiavelli use philosophy to evaluate people and politics. After seeing corruption, fragmentation and death, both philosophers developed different views. Machiavelli’s concept of a Prince includes strong stances on morality and religion. Socrates would be likely to agree on the general ideas that Machiavelli believes a Prince should have but he would differ mainly in how they should be executed. I believe that Socrates would agree with Machiavelli that there needs toRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli Analysis936 Words   |  4 Pages Socrates instilled value in living life as it ought to be and ingrained the pursuit of truth into all of his actions. He relished living as a gadfly to the state; arousing thoughts in others as a means to bring them to higher points of understanding and critical examination, which they then were to apply to their own society. He wanted people to live lives as they ought to live them and for the state to be a reflection of that aim. The leader advocated by Machiavelli, The Prince, is far more authoritarian

Friday, December 20, 2019

Technology Is Nothing If You Don t Have The Right...

â€Å"Technology is nothing if you don’t have the right capabilities to use that technology,† stated Farid Fezoua, the CEO of GE Healthcare Africa (Guest 25). As urbanization progresses and technology improves, new forms of innovation are being developed by humans around the world. Contrary to the usual approach of engineers to create and sell products for developed countries before developing countries (Winter and Govindarajan 82), reverse innovation does the opposite, forming goods based on the needs of developing countries and then improving the products for sale in developed countries (Simula, Hossain, and Halme 1567). Moreover, reverse innovation allows global companies to sell higher-quality goods for lower prices, increasing their competitive edge (Winter and Govindarajan 83). While reverse innovation requires a person to think broader and more differently (Simula, Hossain, and Halme 1567), cost, good-enough, and frugal innovations are dependent on the quantity o f resources (Zeschky, Winterhalter, and Gassmann 20). These three resource-dependent innovations are different based on their varying costs and amounts of engineering required to create or adapt the products (Zeschky, Winterhalter, and Gassmann 21). First, cost innovations are items that achieve the same, or similar, function as Western products for lower prices; the reduced price tag is possible as a result of simultaneously utilizing better sourced, but lower priced, local resources (Zeschky, Winterhalter, andShow MoreRelatedAndroids vs Iphones1124 Words   |  5 PagesSelena Velazquez Professor Marek SEC 76 3-24-13 Androids vs iPhones You walk down any average hallway, office building, school, or restaurant and guaranteed there will be at least one person glued to their phone. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Description of my favourite place free essay sample

Ever since I was little I have enjoyed travelling a lot. I remember always asking my father to take me sightseeing or take me out on a place I had not visited before. Of all the places I had visited there is one that has probably left the most lasting of impressions was my visit to Sentosa Island in Singapore. It was a theme park (the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world). The name does speak for itself and yes it was an island. Singapore is a small country and about 1/10th of the country was the island itself. The park was so big that you needed trains and busses to reach different ends of the park. The highlight of the park though was the rides. It is hard to point out any specific one since there were innumerable ones but my personal favorite was The Scary Mummy a roller coaster that gave me nightmares for a week. We will write a custom essay sample on Description of my favourite place or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another ride that I particularly remember was well it was not a ride per se but a laser show called Songs of The Sea. Lasers were used to show the audience a story about a princess and how happy she was in her kingdom, she had the ability to talk to animals and everyday she would sing with the birds and play with dears and squirrels. That story left a lasting impression on me and I tell about this show to almost everyone I know. The park although mainly composed of rides had other attractions that were doing really well. There were spas,hotels,restaurants and even playgrounds. The place was so massive that even an adult would have a hard time finding his way around the place always loved games too and there were so many games throughout that it took a long time before I could decide which ones I would play, unfortunately I could not play them all. These games gave away prizes if u won or completed the objectives. The prizes were pretty good too, teddy bears, toys of so many varities, coupons, t-shirts they had them all. It would be a difficult ask for someone to tour the whole park within a single day. There was too much to see and do and a day was not enough think even two or three days would require a lot of hastiness, so for me having to finish the trip within a day was going to be difficult. Walking around the park I lost count of how many McDonald’s outlets I had seen. We did not have one in our country and yet that place seemed to have hundreds. We had breakfast in McDonalds and for lunch we went to KFC which also had countless number of shops. The strangest thing was probably the fact that each shop was filled to its maximum capacity and yet there were not enough seats to accumulate everyone who wanted to grab a bite to eat. At night we had sea food which again had so many options to choose from. All the fishes were so fresh and lively that you could see them jumping around, of course these fishes were cooked before being served and they tasted exquisite. The thing which really fascinated my parents and even me was the fact that the island had this beach. singapore had this perfect weather that almost stayed constant throughout the year. This weather made the place even more fantastic and I spent a long time in the waters. There were activities such as scuba diving, water skating, yachting and even going under water using a submarine. The beach led to a planetarium that was probably one of the most beautiful looking buildings from the outside that I had ever seen. Inside there were over five thousand species of creatures that you could see. The planetarium also had this place inside where they performed a show where they used animals such as seals, dolphins and even few strange species of fish to do amazing tricks. The show lasted for about thirty minutes and was really fun to watch. I had never seen anything like this before and as a result really liked what I saw throughout the show. It has been over 3 years since I visited the island. However that is the most fun I had in my whole life. The things I saw and did is truly beyond human imagination was about 16 or 17 years old at that time but the place made me feel like a child entering a playground for the first time was mesmerized by the attractions and hypnotized by just being present in such a place. Every year I ask my parents if we can visit Sentosa Island or not. I know I annoy them but the place was just so wonderful that it is almost impossible to resist. I honestly feel that words are not a effective enough tool to express the amazing experience I had. i sincerely hope that I can convince my parents to take me there again and as soon as possible because I am dying to the place that gave me the best experience of my life.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Migration Management & Mobility Pathways-Free-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Explain in your own words what sections of the INZ Operational Instructions apply to Harpreets health assessment for a residency visa and why? 2.Will Harpreet meet the acceptable standard of health? Explain in your own words, why or why not? 3.What submissions would you make to support his Case identify any further information you might need to make these submissions? Answers: 1.According to the fact of the case, Harpeet has diagnosed with cancer and he applied for Student visa. The cost of his health care treatment will be in excess of NZ$11,000 per year. Now according to the A4.10 the acceptable standard of health provide the section for the residence visa. Under this section, the visa applicant can apply for the residence class visa. For the acceptable standard of health residential, visa applicable for a medical waiver. For the decline of the visa under the residence class visa, it may decline any person if it was not assessed. It also granted under the section A4.60 for an acceptable standard of health and a medical waiver[1]. The applicants who apply for the residence visa must provide proper information of the health diseases. It applicable for the health disease, which affects danger to public health or it may completely imposed for significant costs for a health residence services or special education services[2]. The applicant can considered under an acceptable standard of health for granting the visa for a medical waiver according to undertake the work[3]. The medical conditions, which will be applicable in this matters for the major diseases like HIV infection, Hepatitis B added with antigen positive along with abnormal liver function Hepatitis C, RNA positive, solid organ transplants Chronic renal failure or progressive renal disorders Cardiac disease Genetic or congenital disorders severe autoimmune disease Malignancies of solid organs and hematopoietic tissue Under the above medical list, the hearing loss or profound bilateral sensori-neural hearing loss, vision impairment with visual acuity and physical disability are also included. Therefore, it is necessary to meet with the requirement of the residence class visa for the applicant[4]. If the significant cost does not meet with New Zealand's health services requirement then the applicant will never get the access of the resident visa. The applicant must have the ability to pay the cost of the health services, pharmaceuticals, or residential cares, which are, required which he and someone other than the applicant[5]. 2.The medical issues are one of the important parts in the visa application for the applicant. If any delay occurs in the visa processing, then it may cancel the visa processing in a competent way. In the immigration process for the acceptable standard of health residence class visa, the applicant must follow some rules, which are essential in New Zealand. Under the terms of the visa process, it is necessary to operate the immigration process with essential two tiers which has operated by the Immigration New Zealand where individually any person can able to apply for the acceptable standard of health in a residence application[6]. It is necessary to apply under a medical condition where a medical waiver is also required in the application. The application will not acceptable if applicant is suffered under some dangerous diseases, which are: HIV infection, Hepatitis B added with antigen positive along with abnormal liver function Hepatitis C, RNA positive, solid organ transplants Chronic renal failure or progressive renal disorders Cardiac disease Genetic or congenital disorders severe autoimmune disease Nurologcal diseases which includes poorly controlled epilepsy, Cerebrovascular disease, Cerebral palsy, Poliomyelitis, progressive multiple sclerosis Malignancies of solid organs and hematopoietic tissue[7] Chronic respiratory disease Severe developmental disorders like brain injury, intellectual disability, physical disability, and Autistic spectrum disorders[8] Therefore, the medical conditions must be relevant with the health disorders of the applicant[9]. According to the case facts Harpeet has applied for Student visa ad later he found about his cancer. The cost of the treatment will be in excess of NZ$11,000 per year and his brother wants to provide the medical support to him. Now according to the health requirement for the immigration service Harpeet already cover all required area[10]. He was already applied for student visa and now suffering from a diseases. Therefore the according to the above requirement his diseases not matching with the list. The disease, which he is suffering, not creates any danger to the public. Therefore, he can apply for the residential visa in New Zealand[11]. 3.According to the act of the case Harpeet is required pay the treatment amount of NZ$11,000 per year which written by the doctor. Therefore, in the significant of the cost, he is bound to pay the medical costs in New Zealand. Now his brother will pay the amount for the medical emergency[12]. The issue about the medical costs has solved. The second issue is one of the important part in this case, which is health condition of the visa applicant[13]. The visa applicant is suffering from cancer and he need to prove that his health condition is not creating any risk for the country. The application of the visa is might not granted if the diseases are found according to the below list. The diseases are: HIV infection, Hepatitis B added with antigen positive along with abnormal liver function Hepatitis C, RNA positive, solid organ transplants Chronic renal failure or progressive renal disorders Cardiac disease Genetic or congenital disorders severe autoimmune disease Nurologcal diseases which includes poorly controlled epilepsy, Cerebrovascular disease, Cerebral palsy, Poliomyelitis, progressive multiple sclerosis Malignancies of solid organs and hematopoietic tissue Chronic respiratory disease Severe developmental disorders like brain injury, intellectual disability, physical disability, and Autistic spectrum disorders[14] Therefore, according to the facts of the case cancer is not creating any danger for the country[15]. The medical cost of him will paid by his brother according to the terms of the significant cost of New Zealand. Therefore, no issues have found in this case where Harpeet is not able to get the Acceptable Standard of Health for the residence visa. He is completely applicable for the visa according to the A4.10 the acceptable standard of health[16]. References "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)." Immigration.Govt.Nz, 2017, "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017." Immigration.Govt.Nz, 2017, "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation." Immigration.Govt.Nz, 2017, Friesen, Wardlow. "Migration management and mobility pathways for Filipino migrants to New Zealand." Asia Pacific Viewpoint (2017). Joseph, Mary Geena Chakiamury. "From students to permanent residents: The role of social networks in the immigration transition of Indians in New Zealand." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 25.2 (2016): 168-190. Spinks, Harriet, and Michael Klapdor. New Zealanders in Australia: a quick guide. Parliamentary Library, 2014. Wickramage, Kolitha, and Davide Mosca. "Can migration health assessments become a mechanism for global public health good?." International journal of environmental research and public health 11.10 (2014): 9954-9963. "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). ("V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)").