Saturday, December 28, 2019

Machiavelli And Socrates - 896 Words

Machiavelli and Socrates are two of the most prominent philosophers of history. Each men are characterized by developing distinct schools of thought regarding individual rights and statehood. Machiavelli’s The Prince is a manual for rulers: lessons based on empirical observations of history. In The Apology written by Plato, Socrates delivers a justification to an Athenian court. It is not so much an apology for his accused actions, but an oration of his personal beliefs regarding free thought. What would have Socrates thought of Machiavelli’s version of an ideal prince?†¦show more content†¦Next, the prince must delegate the dirty work to others and leave the favorable acts for himself. Citizens are important to government, and so are their approvals of government. The support of the people can elevate the power of the prince. Machiavelli discredits the presence of morality in politics. In fact, he encourages amoral actions for the prince. In The Apology , Socrates defends his honor and advances his belief in truth-seeking. He believed that probing the minds of others was integral to the advancement of human understanding. However, some saw his inquisitive nature as dangerous. Since he publicized his opinions, he posed a threat to the state. He did not blindly conform to its practices. Socrates protected his honor, and opted to die than to waive on his convictions. He sought to ask questions, to scrutinize authorities, and to challenge establishments. At the core of Socrates’ political opinions, he evaluated that individuals must think for themselves.. He wanted to create a change within the system. Socrates did not wage war againstShow MoreRelatedSocrates And Machiavelli1681 Words   |  7 PagesS ocrates, in his early works, maintained a steadfast distance from involvement in politics, making a comparison or evaluation of a political system in his persona technically impossible. To claim that Socrates would or would not be supportive of any political system might then seem irresponsible, a presumptuous analysis not fitting for an academic recognizing the false equivalence between Socrates’ philosophy and Machiavelli’s political ethics. The strategy to conduct any sort of liable and validRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1579 Words   |  7 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates Niccolo Machiavelli and Socrates both lived during turbulent, political times. Machiavelli in Florence, Italy and Socrates in Athens. Machiavelli’s The Prince outlines the necessary features and traits of a sovereign, primarily, a Prince. It served as a handbook to effective rulership in the 16th century. By analyzing Machiavelli’s belief that a prince should be strategically feared, the role of free will , and the role of the people , I will argue that Machiavelli hasRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1840 Words   |  8 Pagesrespective times, Socrates and Niccolà ³ Machiavelli had very different methods and beliefs of how a political system should be run. The mindset of Socrates can be seen in the works Apology and Crito by Plato. Socrates, who values wisdom and justice over power and prestige, would view Machiavelli’s concept of a Prince very contradicting to how he believes a good life should be lived. In his work, The Prince, Machiavelli details how a princ e should rule and maintain power. Socrates would not be supportiveRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli1860 Words   |  8 PagesPolitical Theorists: Moralities and Wisdom Political theorists, Socrates and Machiavelli, each provide their own ideas and philosophies for political structure that are still being discussed today. In Plato’s writings of â€Å"Apology† and â€Å"Crito†, he defines Socrates as man of wisdom and humbleness as he goes through trial and death of a crime he did not commit. Machiavelli’s writing of â€Å"The Prince† was written as a way to advise a Prince on how to achieve the greatest success as a ruler. These twoRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli1660 Words   |  7 Pagesworks of Socrates and Machiavelli are as polarized as the phrases â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living† and â€Å"the ends justify the means.† The Prince by Machiavelli and The Last Days of Socrates by Plato are both crucial texts to the discussion of what makes a good political leader. Well, what makes a good political leader? Socrates would disagree with Machiavelli’s ideation of the Prince becau se of the immorality that he allows this model to have in the public sphere. However, Socrates would findRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1713 Words   |  7 PagesSocrates and Niccolà ² Machiavelli were both political philosophers who lived through corruption, violence, and political restlessness. These circumstances prompted them to develop their own solutions for their respective societies. This included the creation of a stable political system with a strong and effective leader through the examination of the faults of said societies. To Machiavelli, this leader is known as the â€Å"Prince.† He believes that the Prince should be pragmatic in his actions, andRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli1961 Words   |  8 PagesWhat would Socrates think of Machiavelli’s political world? Socrates and Machiavelli were some of the most influential political philosophers in their respective times. Some argue that their view of empowering individuals, whether it be through free speech or ruthless fighting, are quite similar. However, their views of leadership and government do not align. Socrates’ support for free expression and due process makes his view of effective governance far different from Machiavelli’s focus on nationalRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli2009 Words   |  9 PagesSocrates and Machiavelli are both very influential philosophers and two of the great minds of their time. However, both of these men had their own separate ideas that did not completely agree with one another. Machiavelli was born into a Renaissance time period of fragmented politics, lots of bloodshed, and angry citizens while Socrates grew up in a time of political adjustment and instability in Athens. Machiavelli constructed The Prince as a political pamphlet to his frie nd Lorenzo de MediciRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1976 Words   |  8 Pagesand turmoil, both Socrates and Machiavelli use philosophy to evaluate people and politics. After seeing corruption, fragmentation and death, both philosophers developed different views. Machiavelli’s concept of a Prince includes strong stances on morality and religion. Socrates would be likely to agree on the general ideas that Machiavelli believes a Prince should have but he would differ mainly in how they should be executed. I believe that Socrates would agree with Machiavelli that there needs toRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli Analysis936 Words   |  4 Pages Socrates instilled value in living life as it ought to be and ingrained the pursuit of truth into all of his actions. He relished living as a gadfly to the state; arousing thoughts in others as a means to bring them to higher points of understanding and critical examination, which they then were to apply to their own society. He wanted people to live lives as they ought to live them and for the state to be a reflection of that aim. The leader advocated by Machiavelli, The Prince, is far more authoritarian

Friday, December 20, 2019

Technology Is Nothing If You Don t Have The Right...

â€Å"Technology is nothing if you don’t have the right capabilities to use that technology,† stated Farid Fezoua, the CEO of GE Healthcare Africa (Guest 25). As urbanization progresses and technology improves, new forms of innovation are being developed by humans around the world. Contrary to the usual approach of engineers to create and sell products for developed countries before developing countries (Winter and Govindarajan 82), reverse innovation does the opposite, forming goods based on the needs of developing countries and then improving the products for sale in developed countries (Simula, Hossain, and Halme 1567). Moreover, reverse innovation allows global companies to sell higher-quality goods for lower prices, increasing their competitive edge (Winter and Govindarajan 83). While reverse innovation requires a person to think broader and more differently (Simula, Hossain, and Halme 1567), cost, good-enough, and frugal innovations are dependent on the quantity o f resources (Zeschky, Winterhalter, and Gassmann 20). These three resource-dependent innovations are different based on their varying costs and amounts of engineering required to create or adapt the products (Zeschky, Winterhalter, and Gassmann 21). First, cost innovations are items that achieve the same, or similar, function as Western products for lower prices; the reduced price tag is possible as a result of simultaneously utilizing better sourced, but lower priced, local resources (Zeschky, Winterhalter, andShow MoreRelatedAndroids vs Iphones1124 Words   |  5 PagesSelena Velazquez Professor Marek SEC 76 3-24-13 Androids vs iPhones You walk down any average hallway, office building, school, or restaurant and guaranteed there will be at least one person glued to their phone. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Description of my favourite place free essay sample

Ever since I was little I have enjoyed travelling a lot. I remember always asking my father to take me sightseeing or take me out on a place I had not visited before. Of all the places I had visited there is one that has probably left the most lasting of impressions was my visit to Sentosa Island in Singapore. It was a theme park (the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world). The name does speak for itself and yes it was an island. Singapore is a small country and about 1/10th of the country was the island itself. The park was so big that you needed trains and busses to reach different ends of the park. The highlight of the park though was the rides. It is hard to point out any specific one since there were innumerable ones but my personal favorite was The Scary Mummy a roller coaster that gave me nightmares for a week. We will write a custom essay sample on Description of my favourite place or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another ride that I particularly remember was well it was not a ride per se but a laser show called Songs of The Sea. Lasers were used to show the audience a story about a princess and how happy she was in her kingdom, she had the ability to talk to animals and everyday she would sing with the birds and play with dears and squirrels. That story left a lasting impression on me and I tell about this show to almost everyone I know. The park although mainly composed of rides had other attractions that were doing really well. There were spas,hotels,restaurants and even playgrounds. The place was so massive that even an adult would have a hard time finding his way around the place always loved games too and there were so many games throughout that it took a long time before I could decide which ones I would play, unfortunately I could not play them all. These games gave away prizes if u won or completed the objectives. The prizes were pretty good too, teddy bears, toys of so many varities, coupons, t-shirts they had them all. It would be a difficult ask for someone to tour the whole park within a single day. There was too much to see and do and a day was not enough think even two or three days would require a lot of hastiness, so for me having to finish the trip within a day was going to be difficult. Walking around the park I lost count of how many McDonald’s outlets I had seen. We did not have one in our country and yet that place seemed to have hundreds. We had breakfast in McDonalds and for lunch we went to KFC which also had countless number of shops. The strangest thing was probably the fact that each shop was filled to its maximum capacity and yet there were not enough seats to accumulate everyone who wanted to grab a bite to eat. At night we had sea food which again had so many options to choose from. All the fishes were so fresh and lively that you could see them jumping around, of course these fishes were cooked before being served and they tasted exquisite. The thing which really fascinated my parents and even me was the fact that the island had this beach. singapore had this perfect weather that almost stayed constant throughout the year. This weather made the place even more fantastic and I spent a long time in the waters. There were activities such as scuba diving, water skating, yachting and even going under water using a submarine. The beach led to a planetarium that was probably one of the most beautiful looking buildings from the outside that I had ever seen. Inside there were over five thousand species of creatures that you could see. The planetarium also had this place inside where they performed a show where they used animals such as seals, dolphins and even few strange species of fish to do amazing tricks. The show lasted for about thirty minutes and was really fun to watch. I had never seen anything like this before and as a result really liked what I saw throughout the show. It has been over 3 years since I visited the island. However that is the most fun I had in my whole life. The things I saw and did is truly beyond human imagination was about 16 or 17 years old at that time but the place made me feel like a child entering a playground for the first time was mesmerized by the attractions and hypnotized by just being present in such a place. Every year I ask my parents if we can visit Sentosa Island or not. I know I annoy them but the place was just so wonderful that it is almost impossible to resist. I honestly feel that words are not a effective enough tool to express the amazing experience I had. i sincerely hope that I can convince my parents to take me there again and as soon as possible because I am dying to the place that gave me the best experience of my life.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Migration Management & Mobility Pathways-Free-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Explain in your own words what sections of the INZ Operational Instructions apply to Harpreets health assessment for a residency visa and why? 2.Will Harpreet meet the acceptable standard of health? Explain in your own words, why or why not? 3.What submissions would you make to support his Case identify any further information you might need to make these submissions? Answers: 1.According to the fact of the case, Harpeet has diagnosed with cancer and he applied for Student visa. The cost of his health care treatment will be in excess of NZ$11,000 per year. Now according to the A4.10 the acceptable standard of health provide the section for the residence visa. Under this section, the visa applicant can apply for the residence class visa. For the acceptable standard of health residential, visa applicable for a medical waiver. For the decline of the visa under the residence class visa, it may decline any person if it was not assessed. It also granted under the section A4.60 for an acceptable standard of health and a medical waiver[1]. The applicants who apply for the residence visa must provide proper information of the health diseases. It applicable for the health disease, which affects danger to public health or it may completely imposed for significant costs for a health residence services or special education services[2]. The applicant can considered under an acceptable standard of health for granting the visa for a medical waiver according to undertake the work[3]. The medical conditions, which will be applicable in this matters for the major diseases like HIV infection, Hepatitis B added with antigen positive along with abnormal liver function Hepatitis C, RNA positive, solid organ transplants Chronic renal failure or progressive renal disorders Cardiac disease Genetic or congenital disorders severe autoimmune disease Malignancies of solid organs and hematopoietic tissue Under the above medical list, the hearing loss or profound bilateral sensori-neural hearing loss, vision impairment with visual acuity and physical disability are also included. Therefore, it is necessary to meet with the requirement of the residence class visa for the applicant[4]. If the significant cost does not meet with New Zealand's health services requirement then the applicant will never get the access of the resident visa. The applicant must have the ability to pay the cost of the health services, pharmaceuticals, or residential cares, which are, required which he and someone other than the applicant[5]. 2.The medical issues are one of the important parts in the visa application for the applicant. If any delay occurs in the visa processing, then it may cancel the visa processing in a competent way. In the immigration process for the acceptable standard of health residence class visa, the applicant must follow some rules, which are essential in New Zealand. Under the terms of the visa process, it is necessary to operate the immigration process with essential two tiers which has operated by the Immigration New Zealand where individually any person can able to apply for the acceptable standard of health in a residence application[6]. It is necessary to apply under a medical condition where a medical waiver is also required in the application. The application will not acceptable if applicant is suffered under some dangerous diseases, which are: HIV infection, Hepatitis B added with antigen positive along with abnormal liver function Hepatitis C, RNA positive, solid organ transplants Chronic renal failure or progressive renal disorders Cardiac disease Genetic or congenital disorders severe autoimmune disease Nurologcal diseases which includes poorly controlled epilepsy, Cerebrovascular disease, Cerebral palsy, Poliomyelitis, progressive multiple sclerosis Malignancies of solid organs and hematopoietic tissue[7] Chronic respiratory disease Severe developmental disorders like brain injury, intellectual disability, physical disability, and Autistic spectrum disorders[8] Therefore, the medical conditions must be relevant with the health disorders of the applicant[9]. According to the case facts Harpeet has applied for Student visa ad later he found about his cancer. The cost of the treatment will be in excess of NZ$11,000 per year and his brother wants to provide the medical support to him. Now according to the health requirement for the immigration service Harpeet already cover all required area[10]. He was already applied for student visa and now suffering from a diseases. Therefore the according to the above requirement his diseases not matching with the list. The disease, which he is suffering, not creates any danger to the public. Therefore, he can apply for the residential visa in New Zealand[11]. 3.According to the act of the case Harpeet is required pay the treatment amount of NZ$11,000 per year which written by the doctor. Therefore, in the significant of the cost, he is bound to pay the medical costs in New Zealand. Now his brother will pay the amount for the medical emergency[12]. The issue about the medical costs has solved. The second issue is one of the important part in this case, which is health condition of the visa applicant[13]. The visa applicant is suffering from cancer and he need to prove that his health condition is not creating any risk for the country. The application of the visa is might not granted if the diseases are found according to the below list. The diseases are: HIV infection, Hepatitis B added with antigen positive along with abnormal liver function Hepatitis C, RNA positive, solid organ transplants Chronic renal failure or progressive renal disorders Cardiac disease Genetic or congenital disorders severe autoimmune disease Nurologcal diseases which includes poorly controlled epilepsy, Cerebrovascular disease, Cerebral palsy, Poliomyelitis, progressive multiple sclerosis Malignancies of solid organs and hematopoietic tissue Chronic respiratory disease Severe developmental disorders like brain injury, intellectual disability, physical disability, and Autistic spectrum disorders[14] Therefore, according to the facts of the case cancer is not creating any danger for the country[15]. The medical cost of him will paid by his brother according to the terms of the significant cost of New Zealand. Therefore, no issues have found in this case where Harpeet is not able to get the Acceptable Standard of Health for the residence visa. He is completely applicable for the visa according to the A4.10 the acceptable standard of health[16]. References "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)." Immigration.Govt.Nz, 2017, "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017." Immigration.Govt.Nz, 2017, "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation." Immigration.Govt.Nz, 2017, Friesen, Wardlow. "Migration management and mobility pathways for Filipino migrants to New Zealand." Asia Pacific Viewpoint (2017). Joseph, Mary Geena Chakiamury. "From students to permanent residents: The role of social networks in the immigration transition of Indians in New Zealand." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 25.2 (2016): 168-190. Spinks, Harriet, and Michael Klapdor. New Zealanders in Australia: a quick guide. Parliamentary Library, 2014. Wickramage, Kolitha, and Davide Mosca. "Can migration health assessments become a mechanism for global public health good?." International journal of environmental research and public health 11.10 (2014): 9954-9963. "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). ("V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "Operational Manual - Immigration New Zealand. Issue Date: 31 August 2017"). "V3.40 Entry To New Zealand For The Purpose Of Medical Treatment Or Consultation"). "A4.10 Acceptable Standard Of Health (Applicants For Residence) (30/07/2012)").

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Shakespeare Essays (845 words) - William Shakespeare, Love Stories

Shakespeare Shakespeare In the year of 1564 the man known as William Shakespeare was born, in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. The exact date of birth is unknown but is traditionally celebrated on the 23 of April. To Englanders this day is known as The Feast of St. George. The third-born of eight children to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden Shakespeare, William was their eldest son. John Shakespeare was a glove-maker and a tanner. Earlier in his life John had served a term as the mayor of Stratford, was a town councilman, one of Stratford's justices of peace, and an ale taster. John, unfortunately, could not write. In 1601, when William was 37 years old, John Shakespeare died. William inherited what small portions of land John had come to own in his lifetime, being the eldest of John and Mary's sons. Very little is known about Mary Arden Shakespeare's life. Although, she is known to have come from a wealthy family. Mary's family also paid John a very gracious dowry. William Shakespeare went to an excellent grammar school in Stratford-upon-Avon. Two Oxford graduates were instructors there. Shakespeare was fortunate to get both of them as teachers. Their names were Simon Hunt and Thomas Jenkins. William Studied the languages of Greek and Latin. He had also acquired a razor sharp awareness of both mankind and nature. This is believed to be his last type of formal education. On the day November 27, 1582, when Shakespeare was a mere 18 years of age, he was wed to Anne Hathaway. She was 28 when they got married. Their first child was a girl by the name of Susanna, born May 26, 1583. Two years later William and Anne had twins named Judith and Hamnet. Tragically, Hamnet died at the age of 11. It is not known why he died Between the years of 1585 and 1592 there is no evidence of Shakespeare's or the rest of his family's lives. The Hidden Years are what many call this time period in Shakespeare's life. It is believed that he may have been running from the law or was the apprentice of a butcher. A man named John Aubry was told by another man by the name of Christopher Beston that Shakespeare was simply working as a school teacher in London up until 1592. Beginning in the year 1592, in London, he was starting to become known as an established playwright. In 1593 Henry Wriothsley became William Shakespeare's patron and sponsor. Shakespeare was also a writer, director, actor, and stockholder in The King's Men company. William was acting for this company, which became the world's largest and most famous acting company only because Shakespeare was acting and working for them. Written in 1593 was Shakespeare's first long poem, called Venus and Adonius. Then in 1594 William wrote his second long poem called Rape of Lucrece. These two poems were written when the theatres were closed because of the highly contagious epidemic plague. William Shakespeare began writing plays in the late 1590's. Writing The Taming of the Shrew, The Comedy of Errors, As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Most of these plays were comedies. The only tragedy he wrote at that time was Romeo and Juliet. 1599 brought the construction of the Globe, which was built by Shakespeare's company. The most well-known of his tragedies were performed there. The plays acted out were Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear. To be, or not to be-that is the question: Whether ?tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune... (Hamlet in Hamlet) and But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun. ... (Romeo in Romeo and Juliet) are two of Shakespeare's most famous quotes. Ever since William Shakespeare became a well-known playwright he had been a wealthy man, bringing in money from many different sources. With all the money in his possession he had decided to buy a big house in Stratford for his family. This house was called New Place. In the year of 1610 Shakespeare retired from theatre and returned to Stratford to be with his family. His will was written on March 25, 1616. Nearly one month later, on his

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Jaws vs. Goldie essays

Jaws vs. Goldie essays There are many fish in the sea, and one is just right for me. Small, large, colorful, exotic, freshwater, saltwater, how do you know which one is right for you? By comparing the maintenance of a freshwater tank to a saltwater tank, types of fish, and the cost, you will be able to decide which one is right for you. Freshwater tanks are the easiest to maintain. Depending on your tank size, you should vacuum your freshwater tank every two weeks. For smaller tanks it is recommended to vacuum more frequently. You should not remove more than 25% of the water from your tank at one time. When you add water to the tank it is important to mix the water with a water treatment that will remove the chlorine from the tap water. In addition, it may be necessary at times to treat the water with anti-fungus, or clear water treatments. Experts suggest that you check the ph levels in your tank about every two to four weeks to maintain a balance in the water. With saltwater tanks there are more requirements you need to worry about. You need to follow the same procedure as the freshwater tank, but you will need to check the water ph levels at least once every ten days. Because the tank is a saltwater tank, you will need to buy a saltwater kit. The kit will include the salt, and the water treatments the tank will need. You should also buy a water testing kit, which will give you the opportunity to test the different elements that are in your water. Reports indicate there are at least 10,000 different species of freshwater fish. The most popular are Chiliads, Betas, Guppies, Oscars, Mollies, Platys, Tetras, Gouramis, Frogs, Loaches, Snails, Crabs and Goldfish. You can find these fish at your local pet store. Approximately there are a million different species of saltwater fish reported today. The most popular being Angel, Butterflies, Clownfish, Eels, Tangs, Tigers, Wrasse, Coral, Anemone, Clams, Crabs, Starfish, ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

A Journal opinion article - Essay Example The first three months of the year experienced decline in spending by domestic household in the United States as reported by the commerce department. The decline in consumption dropped from the estimated 3.6 percent to 2.6percent as the CNBC reported. The commerce department reported massive decline spending in crucial sectors, notably the service sector based on the report by CNBC, consumers decreased their spending in legal services, health care and more so in personal care. One of the major causes of the consumption decline could have been the new taxation law. The increase in the social security tax at the beginning of the year could have limited the extent to which households spend within the first quarter. The tax increase lowered directly the amount of income that households would take home at end of the day. After taxation, consumers were left with only meager income; these consumers choose to concentrate on basic commodities only (Morrissey 1). As opposed to earlier projecti ons that had showed increase in the amount export for first quarter, the latest report indicated otherwise. The department of commence statistics indicated that export decreased indeed to 1.1percent while imports also declined to 0.4 percent. The decrease in export translated to limited foreign currency at the disposal of the government for the country to trade with other countries. Consequently, the fall in imports resulted to decrease in foreign revenue. Both reductions in export and import negative effects on the country’s gross domestic product and contributed to the drop in the figure that had been projected for the first quarter to be 2.4percent (Morrissey 1). Amid concerns that the government was cutting its spending, consumers could have become more reserved in their spending. Government spending cut could lead to increase in the prices of commodities that had been earlier subsidized. A decrease in government’s spending could also result to households paying fo r basic services that were being catered for by the state prior to cut in spending. Vis a Vis the speculation of the government cutting its spending motivated a decline in consumption by consumers that further led to drop in the GDP of the first quarter. However, according to the wall street journal, the cut in governments spending which took effect in first month of the first quarter led to direct deduction of 0.9 percent off the growth rate (BBC 1). Due to economical globalization of the world, there existed unprecedented events all over the world that were bound to destabilize the projected GDP by department of commerce. Economic instability in states such as china and European countries could have contributed to gravitation of the united states GDP to 1.8 percent. With globalization, no single economy can exist in solitary in the 21st century. Hence, through globalization, the myriad of macroeconomics factors derailing the Chinese economy and euro zone states such as Greece adve rsely influenced the bilateral trade between these countries. The decrease in the annual economic growth of china triggered the decline in trade between the two countries. On the other hand, the worsening conditions of euro zone states such as Greece continued to shift trade further away from the European countries causing down surge in the amount of investments by Americans in the oversees (BBC 1). Though the department of com

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Managing in a mixed economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing in a mixed economy - Essay Example This study deals with Private-Public Partnership (PPP) agreement between London Underground and Mertronet. The purpose of the PPP agreement was to acquire funds from the private sector. This paper begins with the background of London Underground and Metronet. Historical facts are also provided to understand the reason for selection of PPP as a means of financing. It also contains literature survey of the problems of London Underground and Metronet also the National Audit Office Report is presented. The paper has been concluded with a few causes and reasons for the London Underground failure and liquidation of Metronet and is followed by the recommendation for the improvement of the PPP agreement. London Underground has started its operation in the mid-19th century with the help of private venture capital. The Metropolitan line between Farrington and Paddington was the first construction, built by Sub Surface Line (SSL), which was one of the first construction sectors of London Underg round (Wolmar, 2002). Due to absence of governing body and corporation, the entire sector started working independently. Therefore, the London Passenger Transport Board (LPTB) was formed in 1933 to control the road and underground transport. In 1948, it was undertaken by the British Commission. The five separate corporations including London Transport Board were restructured by British Commission. ... The tubes were disorganised, chaotic and systematically mismanaged since the early days. Hence, it was necessary to form a PPP. During the year 2002, due to inadequate investment and problem in managing public service and maintaining infrastructure, it was decided that maintenance and renewal of London Underground’s infrastructure would be undertaken through PPPs (Kellaway & Shanks, 2007). In PPP agreement, a contract has been signed for 30 years and the main purpose was to obtain funds from private sector. It was a partnership between two functions of business, i.e. finance and operation. Private sector is well-organised than public sector to complete a project in a cost-effective way. The renewal and maintenance of the tubes by public sector operations and private sector infrastructure were an arrangement that ensured the tubes would provide successful service more efficiently. The stations, train operations, signalling and safety was continued by the public sector, through London Underground Limited. The infrastructure companies such as Infraco BCV, Infraco JNP and Infraco SSL were formed for the purpose to manage station, trains, and signal and track infrastructure. Infra JNP was undertaken by Tube Line on 31st December 2002 and on 4th April 2003 other two companies were undertaken by Metronet. Metronet had invested ?17 billion amount for the PPP contract of 30 years (Finn & Et. Al., 2007). Metronet Rail Group is the group of Metronet Rail BCV Limited and Metronet Rail SSL Limited based in London, UK. Metronet Rail BCV Limited is involved in upgradation, replacement and maintenance of sub-surface deep tube lines that operates in the streets of London (Bloomberg

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What is appealing and not appealing about law enforcement and what is Personal Statement

What is appealing and not appealing about law enforcement and what is the philosophy of law enforcemnt - Personal Statement Example I will become a part of a special breed of people whom the public places their infinite trust in when it comes to matters of security. I will be able to repay the country that has given me food and shelter all of my life by insuring its safety against domestic and international threats. However, there is something that tends to make this career the least appealing to me as well. That is the fact that each time I put myself out there as a law enforcement officer, there is a real danger that I could get killed by the same security threats I am protecting the public against. However, each day that I survive, those who know me will consider me a hero because I put other peoples safety and security ahead of my own safety. The Philosophy of Law Enforcement is something that cannot be clearly defined by one person as it is a term that must constantly evolve with the local and national security needs of our times. My opinion is that the philosophy is based upon the need to maintain peace and order within our communities. This is done by insuring that law enforcers work with the community to resolve threats to the safety and security of the community. After all, insuring the laws are enforced and respected is a community responsibility shares by the law enforcers with those living within their

Friday, November 15, 2019

Unite Habitation Marseilles By Le Corbusier

Unite Habitation Marseilles By Le Corbusier Unità © DHabitation Marseilles by Le Corbusier was actually the starting point of all basic theories regarding town planning and dwellings that we have today. The giant, twelve-storey apartment block can fit 1 600 people is cast to solve a severe post Second World War housing shortage. It is specially build up to human scale and also emphasize the beauty of using bare concrete (J.R Curtis, 1996). Le Corbusier compare the bare concrete of the Unità © to human skin, which shows it age and character it flaws.which. The building is situated on a nine acre site on the outskirts of Marseille, has an east-west orientation. It is 450 feet long, 80 feet wide and 185 high (Birkhauser, 1995). The apartments, all built on two levels, are conceived as individual bottlerack. The northern faà §ade is empty, while the other facades are filled by the glass walls and sunbreak loggias of the living area (Choay F, 1960). The design of this Unità © is according to solar shading, ventilation, and also passive heating due to the position of the faà §ade. Unità © DHabitation Marseilles consists of 377 different apartments. It includes 23 discrete types of apartments ranging for single occupants as well for big families (Choay F,1960). Basically, the structure of this building is simple; a rectilinear building which has different precast individual units slotted into it. Le Corbusier intends to make it that way, so it looks like bottles into a wine rack; because that is how he derives the idea of this Unità © DHabitation. 15 measures of the Modulor are also used to dimension the Unità © (Birkhauser, 1995). Right after the Second World War, as what had been expected from the static surrounding of the France government, Le Corbusiers promotion of his urban dwelling proposals were quite complex to be realized due to some of the political issues that is happening by that time. (Choay F, 1960). However, Le Corbusiers resolution to this historical conflict of individuals and collective was the Unità © DHabitation. This so called vertical garden city of the Unità © DHabitation assured that this Unità © can bring phenomenal changes to the whole situation of the post-war. Le Corbusier classified this unit as the extended dwelling, due to the services and facilities provided to the individual home through collective (Choay F, 1960). To intensify the idea of Unità © DHabitation as a collective housing prototype, he eventually filled it with with various professional offices, shops and services. These apartments are made distinctive to each other by having twos and overlap head to foot along the inside corridors named interior streets. These streets were placed on every two floors giving passage to apartments that is paired at the level of the living room (in the lower apartments). Le Corbusier also deliberated all the corridors as instruments of the collective. He even made these interior streets in his urban theory as the sixth in a hierarchy of seven ways of urban circulation (Choay F, 1960). Besides that, level 7 and 8 of the Unità © was bringing together commercial stores such as food, apparel, pharmacy and even hairdresser. On the other hand which is the 18th level, the terrace roof was accommodating with a number of facilities for collective use: day nursery, kindergarten, gymnasium for adults, open-air theater and even a 300 meter race track (J.R Curtis, 1996). THE ARCHITECT, LE CORBUSIER Biography and Influences Le Corbusiers real name is Charles-Edouard Jeanneret. He was born on 6 October 1887 in La Chaux-de-Fonds Switzerlands. He was the second son of Georges-Edouard Jeanneret, a dial-painter in watch industry and and Madame Marie-Charlotte-Amelie Jeanneret-Perret, a musician and piano teacher (Deborah G, 2006). His familys Calvanism, very enthusiastic for the Jura Mountains, love the arts and Charles LEplattenier, a teacher at a local art school were all formative influences on the young Le Corbusier. In particular, LEplattenier played important roles in his artistic development were also very active in searching for a new kind of aesthetics, that could represent the Jura Landscape and could be used by local craft industry. Le Corbusier became an apprentice to a watch engraver; however he had to give it up later on due to his poor eyesight. He began to study decorative art with an aim to become a painter but he also studied architecture on the advice of LEplattenier whom he called My Mast er (Deborah G, 2006). Le Corbusier travelled to many countries as a way to improve himself. After completing his first house, Villa Pallet, in 1907, in 1908 to 1912, he had travelled to Vienna, Paris, Munich, Italy, Eastern Europe and also Acropolis. Due to travelling, he became more familiar with the latest architectural movements such as the structural rationalism of Auguste Perret, a pioneer of reinforced concrete construction, and the Werkbund perspective of Peter Behrens which were total different from the LEplatteniers theories (Deborah G, 2006). He went back to La Chaux-de-Fonds in 1912 and started to teach along with LEplattenier and started his own independent architectural studio. Before the First World War, Le Corbusier spent few months in Germany where he is still frequented Behrens studio and by that time he is acquainted with the Werkbund. However, the war intteruptes his career and he spent for years as a teacher at his old school in La-Chaux-de-Fonds (Deborah G, 2006). During the war, Le Corbusier conducted a research on the Modulor, a rule of proportion that is based on quadrature and Golden Section to measure the human body. Later in Unite DHabitation, he applied the Modulor system and extended it to both large and small dimensions. This was a great tradition as a continuation to the Renaissance anthropometries, to Vitruvius and even Pythagoras (Deborah G, 2006). Immediately after the war, Le Corbusier returned to Paris. He met Amà ©dà ©e Ozenfant, a Cubist painter and both of them together publish their manifesto, Aprà ¨s le cubisme and established a new artistic movement, Purism, which is called for the restoration of the integrity of the object in art in 1918 (Choay F, 1960). They also published a journal named LEspirit Nouveau. Le Corbusier piled up essays from the journal in a book Vers Une Architecture. In the essays, he came up with a proposal that architecture by that time should satisfy both the demands from the industry and the perpetual architectural form as defined in antiquity (Deborah G, 2006). Influenced by problems that he saw in industrial cities at the turning of the century which is between the 19th and 20th century, Le Corbusier eventually become the pioneer of the modernist movement. He planned and thought of a way to create a better society and living conditions by creating a new housing concept since industrial housing techniques led to overcrowding, dirty and lack of moral landscape. By that time, he was also heavily influenced by Ebenezer Howards Garden Cities of Tomorrow (Birkhauser, 1995). In 1922, Le Corbusier and his cousin, Pierre Jeanneret formed an architect partnership. They placed their office in the corridor of a former Jesuit Monastery at 35, Rue de Sevres. It eventually remained forever as Le Corbusiers office for the rest of his life. Le Corbusier died while swimming in the Mediterranean due to heart attack (Choay F, 1960). LE CORBUSIER Le Corbusiers Philosophy Impact Modulor System Le Corbusier was famous for his use of mathematics in his architecture. By that, he eventually develops a system called Modulor System which is a rule of proportion that pertains the geometric proportion of Quadrature and Golden Section the measure of human body (Deborah G, 2006). It is very interesting to see how he sees the Golden Section (the use of geometry of phi), Ancient Egyptians pyramid and Greeks Phytogoras as an inspiration for him to developed this modulor system. It is quite obvious that Le Corbusier was admiring Classicism. This can be seen as he was referring to Vitruvius, Leonardo and Alberti by the time he develops this Modulor System based on the human bodys proportions. And actually that was how the modulor system came up in his own unique modernization of those classical ideas; proportion, harmony and balance (Judi Loach, 1998) The Golden Section and quadrature were parts of the classical methods that had been before until the Renaissance. However, Le Corbusier wanted to do something with it and thus he developed an ideal proportion that would help the designer in integrating human scale in mind while designing. He eventually make the Modulor system to become an international methodology that could be a guideline in the design process. In addition to that, he also translated it to inches so that everyone including the non-metric countries could use the system (Judi Loach, 1998). According to him, the idea for this Modulor system was from a vision of hypothetical man inscribed with three overlapping but contiguous squares. However, there was also a few problems with that earlier Modulor system. Figure 2 The images shows the Red and Blue series of Modulor (Judi Loach, 1998) Nevertheless, after a few experimentation, Le Corbusier came up to a settlement on a six foot tall (1.828m) English, male, body with an upraised arm (Judi Loach, 1998). The man was placed in a box that was subdivided correspond to the Golden Section. It was then further divided using a variation of the Fibonacci series, with two scales that ended up establishing a double-helix, which Le Corbusier mentioned them as the Red and the Blue series. Basically, this Unite DHabitation was the first experimental site for the application of modulor (Deborah G, 2006). Every element in the building can be illustrated by usng the fifteen Modulor units. Those fifteen Modulor units are described in the steel of measure, the first stone and the human figures inscribed in the building. A polychromy so dazzling that the mind was forcibly detached from the dissonances, carried away in the irresistible torrent of major color sensations (Deborah G, 2006). However, the brise-soleils framed was misproportioned by mistake. To deal with that, Le Corbusier paint the bare exterior with polychromy colours, which consist of different fascinating colours to attract the users mind rather than realizing the misproportioned of the brise-soleils framed. He also acknowledged that the human error was one of the way to get an inspiration. (Judi Loach, 1998). It is very interesting to see how Le Corbusier used mathematics to solve his design on each space. His use of mathematics through Modulor system while designing the Unità © DHabitation Marseilles seems to be contrasting to him as an artist. In addition, it also shows that he really use human proportion while designing which shows a good thing which every architect should really done that, considering human proportions. It is very clear how he used the figure of the man to eventually show the proportion of the space that he is creating. That is very interesting because even though a person has never been to that place, he/she can still imagine the space at the building through this image. Five Points of Architecture So we designed a structural system, a frame, completely independent of the functions of the plan of the house: this frame simply supports the flooring and the staircaseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Le Corbusier, 1914. Le Corbusier developed his Five Points of Architecture based on his Dom-ino housing scheme that he was working on during 1914. Thus, he came to a solution where he labeled the scheme as a quick and inexpensive way of reconstructing the city. In the end, he came out with above statement to solve the housing shortage by that time (Judi Loach, 1998). It was also the pioneering moment when the use of reinforced concrete starts to get around. From his attempt to bring up the standardized house, he eventually made up his Five Points of Architecture. Le Corbusier put on his own theory of this Five Points of Architecture in his book titled Towards A New Architecture, that later on become a guideline for his own building design and it become a trend for other architects too. His five points or architecture consists of the pilotis, roof gardens, free plan, vertical faà §ade, and long horizontal windows. For the first point, the columns are lift up from the ground to allow lights to penetrate through it. It also saves the ground space for parking and garden. It obviously creates a circulation space under the building.The second point is the roof garden, where the roof space is being benefited to something else. In Unite DHabitation Marseilles, the roof terrace on the top is said to be replacing the lost land under the building that was supposedly meant for recreation. The third one is the free plan. This free plan means it is free from any column support. Instead, it was supported by skeleton structure and thus helping it to be free from any interior partitions. However, since the partition walls among the apartments are load-bearing, it makes the facades to become free and thus enabling sound-proofing in between those apartments. It can be said as part o f the building success to combine both privacy and communal living. However, the free plan has become the free volume instead since the two-story apartments were integrated to each other and the entrance corridor and elevator were only needed at the third level. (Simon Glynn, 2001). The fourth point is the vertical faà §ade that supports the building. The free facades is said to be so due to the exterior walls that are not using the load bearing walls anymore, thus creating a free structural sense due to the skeleton structure. And for the fifth point is the long horizontal windows, which are the ribbon windows that can eventually helps in better ventilation and lighting (Simon Glynn, 2001). To sum up, using this Five Points of Architecture, Le Corbusier was actually creating a new possibilities for interior and exterior connection and the interior connection itself. (J.R Curtis, 1996). Purism to Brutalism Le Corbusier has built many villas and small apartment and even office building during his early years. However, Le Corbusier recognized his own style pure prisms. It was basically consists of rectangular concrete blocks, glass and steel, building lift up from the ground and even roof gardens. It also used very pure colour, as the principle that they were using by that time is that colour was associated with purity, simplicity and health (Birkhauser, 1995). Purism combined both Le Corbusier and Amà ©dà ©e Ozenfan (Choay F, 1960). They declared their own manifesto titled Aprà ¨s le Cubisme highlighting that a design approach should have give more attention to the main and simple one, which is the more important form of the objects. They did not agree and criticized the heir of Cubism which has been bringing up an art that is totally decorative and ornamental because they made up a point that fantasy and individuality would never be in modern art (Choay F, 1960). Le Corbusier shifted from purism towards another movement after the World War 11. He pioneered a movement so called Brutalism in the 1960s and 1970s (Frampton, 1992). Brutal, as dull as it is was showing the truth of the materials. However, Le Corbusier believes that it was more truthful to Modernisms basic principle (Birkhauser, 1995). For Unite DHabitation Marseilles, Le Corbusier was exploring the use of breton brut (raw concrete) for the buiding itself. A pebbled effect of concrete was brought to the buildings by bush-hammering (Birkhauser, 1995).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Richard Wrights Native Son :: Essays Papers

Richard Wright's Native Son The book Native Son by Richard Wright is about an African American man growing up in the south. The main character Bigger Thomas often finds himself in trouble throughout his life from the beginning to the end. The author uses his views and thoughts through Bigger about American society. Bigger worked for a rich man named Mr. Dalton and had â€Å"accidentally† murdered his daughter Mary. As a result of that a domino effect of misfortune began to happen. Bigger was later arrested and put on trial because of his actions I felt like I was watching a man sinking through quicksand and with every movement or attempt to free himself making the situation worst. He only murder because fear of getting caught in her room, a white woman’s room. Mary was drunk and the Dalton’s would have thought Bigger was trying rape her or something. It was very distressing that Mary had to die but Bigger was only doing what he thought at the time was right. When in an apartment building Bigger overheard a conversation between two men, Jack and Jim. They were arguing about if they had the chance to capture and turn bigger in would they. I agree with Jim who said that he stirred up a lot of trouble. Because of Bigger actions, mistake or no mistake, they were costing many black families their privacy, jobs and dignity. There comes a point were you have to take responsibility of your own action so others don’t get hurt. I also agree with Jim in the fact that he says that all black people look guilty to the police and that no matter how you try to stay out there way, you’ll still get messed with. Bigger’s last moments of freedom was when he was running on the roofs of apartment buildings. It was very cold out that night and a lot of snow on top of the buildings. Before he was running, he was in the trapdoor and had heard a lot of noises, footsteps, shouting, and it was getting him nervous. He was about suicide but his pride got in the way. When he came to the last ledge their was no more roofs.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Domestic Violence and the Police Essay

In this essay I have chosen to study and discuss an article about domestic violence in Britain. The aspects I have chosen to concentrate on are the police response to domestic abuse, recent government initiatives and the financial and logistical problems faced by women who are trying to escape from violent domestic situations. The statistics relating to domestic violence are very disturbing. According to the Women’s Aid website, one incident of domestic violence per minute is reported, with an alarming two deaths a week perpetrated by a current or former partner. In addition to this, they report that one in four women have suffered some kind of violence in the home. The statistics, from the British Crime Survey 2012, only represent reported violence, and associations who support women that have suffered violence, suspect that many more incidents go unreported(Walby & Allen, 2004). So what the definition of domestic violence? The government definition of domestic violence is â €Å"Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional), between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality†. Domestic violence is not a new phenomenon. Before the 1970’s it was something that happened, but was kept firmly behind closed doors and treated as a private matter. The rise of feminism in the 1970’s and the work done with battered women in refuges at that time, led to a heightened awareness of the problem. Studies completed by feminists at the time claimed to have found a link between the dominance of men in society and the way that incidences of domestic violence were ignored or denied. Conservatives at that time debated the findings and claimed that violence towards women had more to do with the fragmentation of family life and â€Å"dysfunctional families†. They also claimed that the statistics were flawed and that actually men were also victims of domestic violence. Straus and Gelles 1986(cited in Giddens), suggested in their report that men were less likely to report domestic attacks, so it was not possible to make a fair comparison. Feminists retaliated b y pointing out that attacks on women were being regularly beaten by their husbands, whereas men were usually only attacked as a â€Å"one off† incident, and that often the woman was defending herself or responding to repeated attacks. (Rawthorne 2002,cited in Gibbens). Feminists could also argue that the police force  itself is a patriarchal. The fact that the police force is still male dominated with only 36,443 female officers out of a total of 137,139, indicates that it is still a male dominated profession, which may make it difficult for the majority of officers to empathise with the plight of women in an abusive situation. So why does domestic violence occur? Dobash and Dobash (1980) found that one of the major factors that cause domestic violence was the husband’s belief that the woman was failing to keep the house properly. With an increase in the number of women working it would not be unreasonable to expect men to do their share of housework, but a study by Arlie Horschchild(1989)(cited in Giddens), found that in reality, working women still do most of the daily chores and it is considered to be their responsibility. Feminists argue that violence against women is symptomatic of a patriarchal society’s attitude to women. Mackinnon (1989) claimed that the subordination of women is the central reason for men’s violence to women and children. Functionalist theorists such as Talcott Parsons (1956) (cited in Giddens) stated that one partner in the family should stay at home to assume the â€Å"effective† emotional role. In the vast majority of households, that person is usually the woman. Feminists argue that this disadvantages women as they then do not have an income of their own to enable them leave if they need to. In recent years reported domestic violence figures have decreased but unfortunately they have started to increase again. Professor Sylvia Walby (UNESCO Chair in Gender Research at Lancaster University), published a report in February 2012 that stated a rise in the number of cases of domestic violence, and voiced concerns about funding cuts to women’s’ refuges and services. She fears that the recession, combined with local government cuts to services that keep wome n safe, may be leading to the current increase. Evidence in the past has indicated that spousal abuse is more prevalent between low-income couples (Cherlin 1999 cited in Giddens). William Goode (1971) felt that whilst men on higher incomes can control women by holding the purse strings, men who are unable to exert this financial control use violence instead. If this is the case, the recession may well lead to many more incidents of domestic violence as couples struggle financially and men face redundancy. The article I have chosen features a lady who was being abused by her husband and how she tried to get away from her situation. It is disturbing to read that that the police  completely failed to assess the situation adequately and left the women unsupported and vulnerable to further attack. Logic would suggest that as this lady had two small children, the man should have been the one made to leave. Instead the policeman involved implied that by staying, she was inviting further violence! The police also did not offer to remove the lady and children to a place of safety, or arrange any sort of support for her. In response to this kind of incident, the Association of Chief Police Officers has worked with the CPS to produce a â€Å"charging checklist† (appendix 1) to enable police officers to get a clearer picture on how to obtain a watertight conviction in cases of domestic violence, and to ensure that the officer has thought about the safety of the complainant. Importantly, the form also records previous incidents of a similar kind. This would have helped Sabina Akhtar (also mentioned in the article) who was murdered by a former partner, despite several appeals to the police to help and protect her. The British Crime Survey found that, while for the majority of women leaving the violent partner stopped the violence, 37% said it did not. 18% of those that had left their partner were further victimised by other forms of harassment. 7% who left said that the worst incident of domestic violence took place after they had stopped living with their partner. Worldwide figures show that 44% of female homicides are perpetrated by a current or former partner, compared to only 6% of men.(Human rights website). Unfortunately, the current system of allowing bail to the perpetrators, gives them the opportunity to re-offend. The current government has acknowledged that domestic violence is still a big problem in this country. The Home Secretary has allocated more than  £28 million for specialist services to tackle violence against women and girls until 2015. Problems caused by cultural beliefs such as forced marriage and female genital mutilation, have been given a higher profile with specific units being set up to help the victims of such crimes. They have chosen several key areas to focus on, the first being early intervention This is aimed at young people to ensure that they understand the importance of healthy relationships and understand that they have the right to say â€Å"no†. This campaign has been heavily advertised on the television and in schools. Professionals are being trained to spot early signs and risk factors of domestic and sexual violence, child sexual abuse, and h armful practices. The system itself disadvantages women experiencing abuse. There are problems with the way domestic violence is recorded and dealt with by the police. According to the article there are currently eleven cases that being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission. The police are accused of failing to take women’s fears seriously and of failing to provide protection for women who are being abused on a regular basis. The government and the police have acknowledged that attitudes to women and domestic violence are still in need of change. Under the new government initiative, the police have been given new powers to help domestic violence victims break the cycle of abuse including piloting Domestic Violence Protection Orders which allow police to ban alleged abusers from returning to the victim’s home for several weeks. In conclusion, it appears that the problem of domestic violence is starting to be brought out into the open. The sad fact is that even if a woman leaves her abusive partner she still is not safe. She often has to give up her home and sometimes even her family to get away. There also the question of financial support. Very often, abusive men control the finances as they use this as another way of keeping control of their partner. According to the Refuge website, men have been known to force women to give up their jobs, take out loans in their name, and generally run up debt. This makes it harder for her to leave because not only has the woman got no money to support herself and her children, but she also has debts against her name. Although the government has made dealing with domestic violence a priority, they are also cutting funding to councils and other associations. It remains to be seen how effective their new policies are and whether they continue to provide funding to enable the services to function.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Arkansaw Bear - A One-Act Play

The Arkansaw Bear - A One-Act Play In The Arkansaw Bear, Tish, a little girl, is upset over the impending death of her beloved grandfather. Her mother and great aunt, both voiceover roles, do not want her to see her grandfather dying in a hospital bed. She runs away from them and reaches a beautiful tree where she makes a wish on a star called Star Bright. Star Bright arranges for Tish to meet two members of a traveling circus- a Mime and the World’s Greatest Dancing Bear. The Bear is old and fleeing from something neither Tish nor the Mime can see. It turns out that The Ringmaster, an incarnation of death, is searching for the World’s Greatest Dancing Bear to take him to the â€Å"center ring.† Together the characters learn that death does not have to be final. The skills and stories that one generation passes on to the next, generation after generation, become a form of immortality. Aurand Harris (1915-1996) was a prolific children’s playwright. He specialized in tackling difficult topics, such as the death of a loved one in The Arkansaw Bear, and discussing those topics on stage. His characters use gentle language and many of his productions notes are about making costumes, sets, and lighting non-threatening. For example, a lighting note in The Arkansas Bear is, â€Å"Never is the stage dark, eerie, or frightening.† For the Mime character, he notes, â€Å"He is not in white face, but his face is natural, friendly, and expressive.† In the notes in his 29-page play, Harris instructs directors that there should be no masks or grotesque make-up. The young audience members should find the whole experience a welcoming, gentle, and encouraging place. Harris’s does not want a child’s fear of and confusion about death compounded with a scary mask or dark stage. Setting: Somewhere in Arkansas Time: The present Cast Size: This play can accommodate 6 actors plus 3 voiceover roles. Male Characters: 5* Female Characters: 1 Female Voiceover Roles: 2 Characters that may be played by either males or females: 3* *The script denotes the male roles as him/he, but it may be possible to have females play the roles of Star Bright, The Ring Master, or Mime. Roles Tish is a little girl who is confused and frightened for her grandfather. She is his â€Å"chip off the old block.† She is seeking a way to make peace with this major event in her life. Star Bright is the first star out in the night. He takes pride in granting wishes. Sometimes he must be subtle about granting the wish, as in helping Tish see that she keeps her grandfather alive by being his chip off the old block. Sometimes he can grant a wish through sheer power as when he traps death in a tree until the World’s Greatest Dancing Bear can teach all his dances to Little Bear. Mime is the friend and assistant of the World’s Greatest Dancing Bear. He speaks no words but is understood by everyone. He is sad to see his best friend go to the center ring and to know that Tish is losing her grandfather, but he is determined to help them both through to the end. World’s Greatest Dancing Bear is the descendant of a prima ballerina bear from Spain and his father was Russia’s greatest dancing bear. He has earned medals for his dancing and has danced for presidents and royalty all over the world. He is scared of The Ringmaster/death but more scared of seeing his life’s work disappear. The Ring Master is a grand figure. He is not evil or biased in any way. He even allows the group a few spare hours to train Little Bear. In the end, he has a show to put on and it is the World’s Greatest Dancing Bear’s cue. Little Bear is a young bear that has lost both his father and grandfather. His mother has urged him to keep on living since that is the best way to say goodbye to loved ones. He agrees to learn the older bear’s dances in order to honor all of his loved ones and become The Arkansaw Bear. Voiceovers: Mother, Aunt Ellen, Announcer Content Issues: Death In this video, see some clips of a production that used child actors. The Arkansaw Bear and many of Aurand Harris’s other plays may be ordered through Dramatic Publishing. It can also be found in the book, Theatre for Youth: Twelve Plays with Mature Themes, edited by Coleman A. Jennings and Gretta Berghammer.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Karl Marx and Human Nature Essay Example

Karl Marx and Human Nature Essay Example Karl Marx and Human Nature Essay Karl Marx and Human Nature Essay I have taken for my survey one chapter from the book Marx and human nature by Norman Geras. In the 2nd chapter Norman Geras trades with the human nature and historical philistinism. Although many Marxists denied Marx’s theory of human nature that there was a human nature to be found in Marx’s words. there is in fact a Marxist construct of human nature which remains. to some grade. changeless throughout history and across societal boundaries. The sixth of the Theses on Feuerbach provided the rudimentss for this reading of Marx harmonizing to which there was no ageless human nature to be found in his plants. Feuerbach resolves the kernel of faith into the kernel of adult male human nature. But the kernel of adult male is no abstraction inherent in each individual person. In world. it is the ensemble of the societal dealingss. Feuerbach. who does non come in upon a unfavorable judgment of this existent kernel. is therefore obliged: Human nature Thus. Marx appears to state that human nature is no more than what is made by the societal dealingss. Norman Geras’ Marx’s Theory of Human Nature. nevertheless. offers an highly elaborate statement against this place. In lineation. Geras shows that. while the societal dealingss are held to find the nature of people. they are non the lone such determiner. In fact. Marx makes statements where he specifically refers to a human nature which is more than what is conditioned by the fortunes of one’s life. In Capital. in a footer reviewing utilitarianism. he says that utilitarian’s must think with human nature in general. and so with human nature as modified in each historical era. Marx is reasoning against an abstract construct of human nature. offering alternatively an history rooted in sensuous life. While he is rather expressed that persons express their life. so they are. Hence what persons are depends on the material conditions of their production. he besides believes that human nature will condition ( against the background of the productive forces and dealingss of production ) the manner in which persons express their life. History involves a uninterrupted transmutation of human nature. though this does non intend that every facet of human nature is entirely variable ; what is transformed need non be entirely transformed. Marx did knock the inclination to transform into ageless Torahs of nature and of ground. the societal signifiers jumping from your present manner of production and signifier of belongings. a procedure sometimes called hypostatization. For this ground. he would probably hold wanted to knock certain facets of some histories of human nature. Human existences jointly work on nature but do non make the same work ; there is a division of labour in which people non merely do different occupations. but harmonizing to Marxist theory. some people live from the work of others by having the agency of production. How this is complete depends on the type of society. Production is carried out through really definite dealingss between people. And. in bend. these production dealingss are determined by the degree and character of the productive forces that are present at any given clip in history. For Marx. productive forces refer to the agencies of production such as the tools. instruments. engineering. land. natural stuffs. and human cognition and abilities in footings of utilizing these agencies of production. Human nature. Marx’s ethical idea and disaffection Gears says of Marx’s work that: Whatever else it is. theory and socio-historical account. and scientific as it may be. that work is a moral indictment resting on the construct of indispensable human demands. an ethical point of view. in other words. in which a position of human nature is involved. Alienation. for Marx. is the alienation of worlds from facets of their human nature. Since – as we have seen – human nature consists in a peculiar set of critical thrusts and inclinations. whose exercising constitutes booming ; disaffection is a status wherein these thrusts and inclinations are stunted. For indispensable powers. disaffection substitutes disempowerment for doing one’s ain life one’s object. one’s life going an object of capital. Marx believes that disaffection will be a characteristic of all society before communism. The antonym of. disaffection is actualization or self-activity- the activity of the ego. controlled by and for the ego. Human nature and the enlargement of the productive forces It has been held by several authors that it is Marx’s construct of human nature which explains the primacy thesis’ refering the enlargement of the productive forces. which harmonizing to Marx. is itself the cardinal drive force of history. If true. this would do his history of human nature possibly the most cardinal facet of his work. Geras writes. historical philistinism itself. this whole typical attack to society that originates with Marx. rests forthrightly upon the thought of a human nature. It highlights that specific link of cosmopolitan demands and capacities which explains the human productive procedure and man’s organized transmutation of the stuff environment ; which procedure and transmutation it treats in bend as the footing both of the societal order and of historical alteration. The tendency’s liberty is merely its independency of societal construction. its rootedness in cardinal stuff facts of human nature and the human state of affairs. Historical advancement consists basically in the growing of people’s abilities to determine and command the universe about them. This is the most basic manner in which they develop and express their human kernel. Historical philistinism Historical philistinism started from a cardinal implicit in world of human being: that in order for human existences to last and go on being from coevals to coevals. it is necessary for them to bring forth and reproduce the stuff demands of life. Marx so extended this premiss by asseverating the importance of the fact that. in order to transport out production and exchange. people have to come in into really definite societal dealingss. most basically production dealingss. Norman Geras analyzed historical philistinism and postulated that society has moved through a figure of types or manners of production. That is. the character of the production dealingss is determined by the character of the productive forces ; these could be the simple tools and instruments of early human being. or the more developed machinery and engineering of present age. The chief manners of production Marx identified by and large include crude communism or tribal society ( a prehistoric phase ) . ancient society. feudal system. and capitalist economy. In each of these societal phases. people interact with nature and bring forth their life in different ways. Any excess from that production is allotted in different ways. Ancient society was based on a governing category of slave proprietors and a category of slaves ; feudal system was based on landholders and helot ; and capitalist economy based on the capitalist category and the on the job category. The capitalist category in private owns the agency of production. distribution and exchange ( e. g. . mills. mines. stores and Bankss ) while the on the job category unrecorded by interchanging their socialized labour with the apitalist category for rewards. Marx identified the production dealingss of society ( originating on the footing of given productive forces ) as the economic base of society. He besides explained that on the foundation of the economic base their arise certain political establishments. Torahs. imposts. civilization. etc. . and thoughts. ways of thought. morality. etc. These constituted the political/ideological superstructure of society. This superstructure non merely has its beginning in the economic base. but its characteristics besides finally correspond to the character and development of that economic base. i. . the manner people organize society is determined by the economic base and the dealingss that arise from its manner of production. Historical philistinism can be seen to rest on the undermentioned rules: 1. The footing of human society is how humans work on nature to bring forth the agencies of subsistence. 2. There is a division of labour into societal categories ( dealingss of production ) based on belongings ownership where some people live from the labour of others. 3. The system of category division is dependent on the manner of production. 4. The manner of production is based on the degree of the productive forces. 5. Society moves from phase to present when the dominant category is replaced by a new emerging category. by subverting the political shell that enforces the old dealingss of production no longer matching to the new productive forces. This takes topographic point in the superstructure of society. the political sphere in the signifier of revolution. whereby the lower class liberates the productive forces with new dealingss of production. and societal dealingss. matching to it. Human nature and historical philistinism Marx’s theory of history efforts to depict the manner in which worlds change their environments and ( in dialectical relation ) their environments alter them every bit good. That is Not merely do the nonsubjective conditions change in the act of reproduction. e. g. the small town becomes a town. the wilderness a cleared field etc. but the manufacturers change. excessively. in that they bring out new qualities in themselves. develop themselves in production. transform themselves. develop new powers and thoughts. new demands and new linguistic communication. The first premiss of all human history is. of class. the being of life human persons. Thus the first fact to be established is the physical organisation of these persons and their attendant relation to the remainder of nature. Therefore History does nil. it possesses no huge wealth. and it wages no conflicts. It is adult male. existent. populating adult male who does all that. who possesses and battles ; history is non. as it were. a individual apart. utilizing adult male as a agency to accomplish its ain purposes ; history is nil but the activity of adult male prosecuting his purposes. So we can see that. even before we begin to see the precise character of human nature. existent. life worlds. and the activity of adult male prosecuting his purposes is the really building block of Marx’s theory of history. Humans act upon the universe. altering it and themselves ; and in making so they make history. But even beyond this. human nature plays two cardinal functions. In the first topographic point. it is portion of the account for the growing of the productive forces. which Marx conceives of as the driving force of history. Second. the peculiar demands and thrusts of worlds explain the category hostility which is generated under capitalist economy. Decision and critical comments Here I would wish to state that Marxist philosophical anthropology is one sided. Its construct of human nature and human good overlooks the demand for ego individuality than which nil is more basically human. The effect of this is held to be that Marx and his followings have underestimated the importance of phenomena. such as faith and patriotism. which satisfy the demand for self individuality. In the survey of human nature and historical philistinism. history is what is made by human existences and its nature. Harmonizing to Marx human existences are working and altering the universe. Marx ignored all other factors that at work in the development of history. History has been developed non merely by human existences but besides through assorted elements. Historical philistinism is caused by the production of things and at that place by originating societal relationships. Here it implies that economic system is the basic construction of society that controls and develops. But it is a reductionist attack. it is impossible to cut down the basic construction as economic dealingss entirely.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Chemistry Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chemistry - Coursework Example Differences; Enzymes are organic, containing protein sub-groups. As such they are high molecular weight compounds. Inorganic catalysts are often low molecular weight. Inorganic catalysts are more resilient to changes in temperatures. An example is Pt/Rh catalysts used at high temperatures. This is compared to organic catalysts that denature past a certain temperature (mostly 40 degrees Celsius). Enzymes are also manufactured by biological systems, and as such most are highly specific to the reactions and substrates they require for such. Inorganic catalysts are sometimes ambiguous. They catalyse numerous reactions as long as the conditions are right. For example Platinum, Pt is a catalyst for a wide range of industrial processes. Lock and key model- this model was proposed by Emil fischer. It states that an enzyme is like a lock, while a substrate is like a key. As such, an enzyme can only be bound by a specific type of substrate (Spencer Seager, 2013) and this means that for any given enzyme, the substrate has to be specific or highly similar to the substrate for the reaction to occur. This model/ theory shows the enzyme as conformationally rigid and able to only act on substrates that are an exact fit. (Timberlake, 2014) Koshland’s induced fit theory- this theory states that an enzyme is not a rigid structure. As a substrate binds, it leads to conformational change that enhances the enzymes ability to carry out its catalytic function. In some cases the enzymes active site is remoulded completely and the charge of the enzyme also modified as it binds to its substrate. (Spencer Seager, 2013) After catalysis has been carried out, the enzyme resumes its original shape. Q3 You are an investigator and your research group has just isolated two novel enzymes A and B that are both secreted into the small intestine of the domestic pig Sus scrofa. You would like to have these enzymes characterised. Therefore you have asked your project student

Friday, November 1, 2019

Anglo American Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anglo American - Essay Example Understanding that there were serious financial ramifications to its bottom line as a result of the AIDS epidemic, Anglo-American sought to provide free antiviral therapy to members of its South African workforce who were infected with the HIV/ AIDS. Despite the many positives associated with this decision, Anglo-Americans’ attempt to stem the ramifications of the HIV AIDS epidemic was met with resistance and unsure results. As a result, Anglo-American halted its pilot study. The following explores the reasons for Anglo-Americans decision to halt this landmark study and are they reasonable? What recommendations would an educated reader give Anglo-American with respect to its HIV/AIDS policy? Seem to address these questions and many more, the following will explore Anglo-American and the challenges it faces tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Anglo-American is an international organization with roots in South Africa and as a multinational company is one of the largest employers in the country. Today, Anglo-American has 80,000 employees nation-wide and has been significantly affected by the global AIDS epidemic. The global HIV/AIDS outbreak began in the 1980s and Anglo-American was one of the first multinational corporations to understand and attempt to combat the ramifications of this insidious disease. Accordingly, South Africa remains the country with one of the highest infection rates in the world and corporations like Anglo-American quickly understood that this disease had the potential to significantly affect the bottom line of its company. With much invested in the South African state, Anglo-American sought to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s and a landmark decision in 2002 to provide free antiviral medicine to its infected workforce represented a further evolution of the enlightened policies of com panies like

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The abuse at abu ghraib happened because of basic socio-biological Essay

The abuse at abu ghraib happened because of basic socio-biological drives because humans are naturally prone to treat people who are not considered of their own - Essay Example In the United States who is the self-proclaimed protector of human rights and a country which has a multicultural society, discrimination is still a huge problem within this society. In this country hate crimes are an epidemic and a real solution towards preventing them are currently not viable since the society is not ready to transform itself and truly accept people who are different from the status quo. In 2004 an unfortunate event occurred at Abu Ghraib in which Iraqi prisoners were abused by American soldiers and civilian subcontractors. This paper describes this event and proposes that the reason the abuses at Abu Ghraib occurred is because of the basic social-biological drives of humans which makes them naturally prone to treat people who are not considered of their kind inhumanely. On April 2004 the entire globe learned about serious violation of human rights and abuse that American soldiers committed against Iraqi prisoners stationed in a correctional facility in Iraq called Abu Ghraib. The acts committed by the Americans were truly inhumane and included things such as rape, physical abuse, taking naked pictures of prisoners in extremely revealing positions, urinating on them, and sodomization with batons among other despicable abuses. The story was revealed by the media when insiders in the prison revealed the photographic evidence of the horrific things happening at Abu Ghraib. The person claimed that the army was ready to cover up the event and was going to secretly deal with the matter. The scandal created hysteria throughout America especially within governmental officials. US government officials acknowledge that the event at this prison violated the Geneva Convention which prohibits torture and cruel treatment of war prisoners. The army reported that 2 7 people are accused of being associated with abuses at Abu Ghraid, including 23 soldiers from a military intelligence

Monday, October 28, 2019

Machiavelli the prince Essay Example for Free

Machiavelli the prince Essay Machiavelli emphasized the value the need of stability in the domain of the prince. Machiaveli argued that virtuous and stable state is the greatest moral good and the effort to protect one’s country regardless of what it will take. What is important is that, one is to do anything to save the country and to sustain his power. Furthermore, Machiavelli noted that the prince should not be disrespected. The prince should be feared and loved, but it is much better to fear that loved According to Machiavelli; rule is justified by force but not by law. He proposed some of the actions that may be done to perpetuate power. His idea generally is based on how one can take and controlled leadership in a particular country and use it maximum level. Some of his area of interest was on defense and military, reputation of the prince, generosity vs. parsimony, cruelty vs. mercy, avoiding contempt and hatred gaining honors, noble and staff, avoiding flattering, and how to get fortune. According to him the greater achievement of the prince is when the prince has acquired all the above factors. Conclusion Ethical behavior principal as it has been viewed in this paper is fundamental for the development of the potentialities of the person and the achievement of any particular company. The most important thing is the unified relation among the society members such that whatever they do will be guided by the virtues or values of good behavioral actions. Reference: Irwin, T. H. (1999) â€Å"Republic 2: Question justice,† in Plato 2: Ethics politics, Politics, Religious, the soul, ed. Grail Fine Oxford: Oxford University press, pp. 164. 185 American Psychological Association. (1953). The ethical standards of psychologists. Washington, DC: Author. Leal, L. (1998). T

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

The movie, The Color Purple, may be verging on one of my favorite movies of all time. When I watch it my eyes are literally glued to the screen. It has made me cry and laugh and love and so many more emotions that I can’t even cry. I was literally so scared of scenes that I jumped off my seat and onto the floor. The movie starts out with a girl who gives birth to her second child. Her stepfather is the father of the child meaning he raped her not only once but twice. She is only fourteen during these years and she is only fourteen when she gets married to a man who remain nameless and he also rapes her and beats her. Throughout the story, you learn from Celie herself who says when talking to her good friend Shug Avery, â€Å"He beats me because I am not you.† (Celie, The Color Purple). He then takes her sister away from her and she does not get to have contact with her sister again for an incredibly long time. However, even though the story starts out so sad it does get better after the Ceile is and adult and she meets Sophia. Sophia is Harpo’s soon to be wife. Harpo is Mr. ‘s son. Harpo and Sophia love each other very much, but they end up drifting apart and then Shug Avery comes into Celie’s life and changes it very much. She teaches Ceile a ton of things and she is the woman who inspires Ceile to stand up for herself. There are three scenes in The Color Purple directed by Stephen Spielberg that are my absolute favorite. In the movie, The Color Purple, Ceile finally is told that she is something special from listening to a song. In this scene, Shug Avery is performing for a crowd at their local bar. After her first song ends, she then tells the crowd what her next song is about. It is dedicated to none other than Mis... ... Celie is enjoying the action and does not want to leave, but has to when Shug pulls her away because things are getting dangerous. Celie gets in one more sneak peek of all the action, but does not see much before she is dragged away again. I do not mean to pick the scenes that were happier than others as my favorites. I did enjoy all of the other deep meaning scenes as well, but it is more difficult to write through tears. Personally, I think a movie about women empowerment is inspiring beyond anything else. Especially a movie where its starts off so sad and the narrator talks with such despair and hopelessness and turns all that into success and happiness by the end. The Color Purple brings out so many emotions in everybody that when watching, you just cannot believe. There is never a boring point in this movie because all of it comes together at the end.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Personal Integrated Theory of Counseling Essay

Abstract This personal model of counseling addresses the importance of developing a biblical theory of Christian Counseling, which also integrates psychology, theology and spirituality, without diminishing the relevance of each. The working model for counselors should provide practical techniques for the inclusion of believers and non-Christians, as they work towards a personal relationship with God. This paper will discuss the personality traits, external influences that build a personal integrative theory of scientific disciplines and theological truths. The works of relevant theorists and authors will be reviewed as comparable viewpoints on Christian Counseling and how integration can benefit individuals, couples and families. The paper will begin to create a personal guideline for the author’s counseling practices with clients from all backgrounds. It will conclude with personal thoughts to identify areas for growth and improvement. A Personal Integrated Approach to Counseling Introduction A comprehensive personal theory of counseling should integrate Psychology, Theology and Spirituality. One of the most important goals of counseling is develop a theoretic approach through the integration of Psychology, Theology and Spirituality. Individually, each discipline offer concepts that are unique and relevant, yet separately they lack the inferences of other viewpoints that may be overlooked. There is a basic understanding for counselors to focus the treatment on the client, as well as temporal systems that exist which have influence on the client. Therefore, the intent of integrating these theories will provide the counselor with a more comprehensive wisdom and faith to combine the key elements of each to implement into their counseling practices. A concern for counselors is the prioritization of theology over psychology. This can be difficult as well as thought provoking for and individual to undertake because of the historical debate between faith and science. An individual deeply rooted in their biblical worldview will argue that with faith, they require no further belief, while others with a secular based worldview requires the proof of statistics and data for their belief. (Entwistle, 2010, p. 9) Secular viewpoints are bound by the limitations of earthly living and its standards. The Christian viewpoint is directly related to the fact that their eternal destiny is ordained because they are a child of God. The counselor who will be successful at integration will find it necessary to increase their competence in all areas. (McMinn, 2011) states that the best at interdisciplinary integration are those that have an informal and formal preparation of both psychology and theology. While there can be preference in either theory, counselors are cautioned not to minimize the doctrines of Theology or misrepresent the clinical applications of Psychology. Personality Development of Personality Human personality is a set of characteristics and traits, as well as emotions and behaviors that make each person unique. An individual’s personality usually remains consistent throughout life. However, personality can be altered by an individual’s environment, temporal systems as well as traumatic events. For counselors it can be challenging when attempting to understand Human Personality without exploring the clients past. This can uncover many of the misbeliefs, hurt feelings originating in childhood that manifest into maladaptive behaviors in adulthood. (Backus & Chapian, 2000) The Christian worldview allows the understanding of all human functioning parts: The physical and the personal. The physical represents the body and the personal acknowledges the spirit or soul. A counselor’s focus is centered with both the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind where misbeliefs and attitudes are held. They must first look at the totality of a client through the u se of concentric circles. This theory allows the counselor the viewpoint of the various circles that create human personality. The innermost circle represents the self. It represents the core where the image of God, the Holy Spirit, and issues of sin reside. Also within the core is the heart where scripture shows the heart as vital function of providing life giving blood. The heart is that part of a human that chooses the basic direction they will follow in life. (Crabb, 1977) The outer layers consist of the soul of a human infused with the Holy Spirit. When we are born, we inhabit a soul that allows us to think, feel and choose. Your spirit is in union with God if he is the choice for the center of your life. Scripture notes that those who alternatively do not accept God into their life will become vulnerable to the influence of Sin and Satanic forces. Consequently, it is the choices that guide the soul and the resulting emotions, thoughts and behaviors that impact human interactions and relationships. As you move to the outer circles there is theory that is presented that exhibits the correlation of the body and the effects on human personality. The physical circle illustrates the connection with the body and physical health as humans relate to life challenges. Our bodies alert us to potential dangers in the form of pain and discomfort. When the body is in distress, messages sent to the brain are distorted. The outcomes of physical pain, will affect a person’s mood, energy and cognitive abilities. The physical circle illustrates the connection with the body and physical health as humans relate to life challenges. (Hart, 1999) Finally, there are two components of circles in this theory. The first is the temporal system. These are the external forces or the earth systems such as family, friends, religious affiliations, economic conditions and society that create positive and negative personality traits in humans. The author Crabb suggests that humans have two basic needs; sig nificance and security in order to function effectively. (Crabb, 1977) When we feel secure and significant we are then deemed to be worthwhile. However, the interactions of Hawkins temporal systems will jeopardize these assurance and the results are maladaptive behaviors that lead clients to therapy. The final outer circle is supernatural systems. (Hawkins, 2009) In this system, God, Angel, Satan and Demonic forces are introduced. Spiritual forces inhabit all humans, yet there is a battle between the dark forces of Satan, and the truth in God’s word. . Author Neil Anderson describes the forces at work on the formation of human personality. (Anderson, 2000) These evil forces disguise themselves and aggressively seek to intervene with deception of the Holy Spirit. Without a personal relationship with God, Satan has opportunity to manipulate thoughts and create misbeliefs which are the direct cause of emotional turmoil, and maladaptive behaviors. (Backus & Chapian, 2000) The supernatural outer circle aids in the quest for a realization that spiritua l disciplines can help begin the process for an internal change. Motivation One of the major premises of counseling is to develop an understanding why people do what they do. An individual’s actions are directly connected to their personality profile. Behind every action there is energy or a force that results in a specific behavior. Every human has motivations that are based often on self-centered needs. The basic needs are physical which encompasses the elements critical to life, the need for emotional relationships as well as the need for significance and security. Counselors are aware that Human Need will continue and this need moves people into false outside systems in order to reach the type of gratification they desire, rather than seek a relationship with God. That relationship indicates the temperament of the unbeliever as opposed to a believer. The unbeliever thinks of himself first, and evaluates life in terms of the world system and the behavior is motivated and designed to meet his or her own needs. While the believer will still experience misbeliefs in his conscious mind, however this individual makes a deliberate choice to evaluate his or her world based on a biblical framework. The biggest difference is the believer’s purpose is to live for Christ and exhibit behaviors that are Christ like and subsequently will receive them in return. (Crabb, 1977, p. 107) Human Development All Humans have a desire for autonomy in the world from a very early age. This search for self-governing freedom to establish their place in the world but is conflicted by the distortion of good and evil. The boundaries or acceptable behaviors guide the decision making process. These boundaries are for self-preservation. (Cloud & Townsend, 1999) Positive choices, allow the capacity to be loving and kind to others, use physical energy creatively, and live a purpose driven life. The alternative choice directs individuals on a path of sin and brokenness that prevents both growth and maturity. (McMinn, 2011) Without self-control individuals a counselor has the ability to guide this development process by helping them realize their position in the kingdom of God. Scripture emphasizes the purpose for an intimate relationship with God in that acknowledges a rebirth as a child of God, and confirms that life is no longer in the flesh but now life is in Christ. The intent of a counselor is to progress the client toward the development of an optimal balance of mental and spiritual health. Individual Differences Every human has a viewpoint of the world that is used as base of understanding of the world and their place in it. It is model of assumptions and evaluations that impacts personality traits and behaviors and forms a standard of living. (Clinton & Ohlschlager, 2002, p. 59) Most people’s worldview are inherited rather than chosen and are shaped by cultural, religious and social influences. The presumptions can transcend into discriminatory beliefs to those who have opposing viewpoints. Counselors who are willing to address cultural difference in their client are mostly those that do not see them as impediments, but as an opportunity for growth. Individuals with an understanding & acceptance of themselves will achieve a greater sense of emotional and spiritual health. Health and Illness Health is more than a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. There are other components such psychological, and spiritual. The goal is achieve perfect health on all levels, however this can be challenging for clients to achieve and difficult for counselors to measure. A lifestyle that consists of a balanced diet, physical activities should result in good health; however, these alone are not sufficient. (McMinn, 2011) offers a triad approach that includes an accurate sense of self, healing relationships and an accurate sense of need. Those that are committed toward moving toward total health learn self-love and worth, to recognize needs as well as the importance of therapeutic relationships. There are biological, physical and social systems that all contribute to the symptoms of an illness. The pain and discomfort are presented in the physical body, while anxiety, sinful behavior and other temporal systems affect health. Conflicting messages delivered to the brain trigger and imbalance of worry and stress that are manifested in personality disorders. When people try to function in areas that affect untended and unhealed hurts, they will hurt others. (Wilson, 2001) Psychological and Spiritual Illness Sin is a pervasive element of human condition. In biblical terms, it dates back to Adam and Eve as committing the â€Å"original† sin. It is often misused by those who commit that they are ill; therefore they engage in sinful behavior. Through the use of attributional style, decipher if mental illness or the absence of spirituality are the sources of maladaptive behaviors. (McMinn, 2011) Consequently there must be a conscious choice to identify what sin represents in preventing an intimate relationship with God. Spiritual illness is living outside the will of God who desires peace and tranquility for those who accept him in their life. James 4:17 (King James) Integration and Multitasking McMinn (1996) stresses the need for counselors to evaluate a client’s problems from several viewpoints simultaneously. Through a multidimensional lens, there is the ability to explore theological, psychological perspectives. Developing the ability to multi-task, integrates the science of psychology, the truth in Theology and Spirituality, with the focus on theological truth as a foundation, without diminishing the significance of other perspectives. Effective multitasking acknowledges the forces that influence personality. Nine elements including the body, the human spirit, volition, sin and temporal systems illustrate how humans can obtain a healthy balance when there is a spiritual foundation. Interdisciplinary Integration requires competence that goes beyond the understanding of theology and psychology. Spirituality is not viewed as a study of credentials. It is the personal relationship with God that confronts weaknesses and dependence on God. The author also expresses tha t counselors must engage in the practice of personal devotion and exploring their own spiritual beliefs, through additional training and study Elements of Theory This theory of counseling incorporates integrative applications of disciplines and concepts with emphasis on the core of the human as the source where the spirit resides, cognitive behaviors are developed, and personality structures emerge. As a counselor develops a plan of treatment for a client, attention must be given to both parts of a human. The material or physical self and the immaterial or spirit self. Each part of the self represents areas for the counselor to learn and explore influences on the client’s emotions and dysfunctional behavior. My theory mirrors (Crabb, 1977) presents a unique theory of counseling which he refers to the concepts of Tossed Salad and Nothing Buttery approach to counseling. There is a balanced integration however the focus is on teaching the truth in God’s word from biblical perspective as the most important. I believe effective counseling combines the strengths of various disciplines, without diminishing or promoting one over the other. A comprehensive theory removing deeply rooted misbeliefs and replace with biblical truths. My theory leads clients into an intimate relationship with God and provides a guide to initiate the process of change. (Hawkins, 2009) Process and Techniques Four elements are introduced in the counseling relationships that work together in a successful counseling experience: the spirit, the counselor, the counselee and the bible. The counselor establishes trust, engages the client by attentive listening as they explore the client’s problems, and create a working process that toward goals for both counselor and client. The counselor teaches principles of integration identify patterns of healing, guides the client toward change. The client acknowledges their spiritual relationship with God, takes ownership for emotions and behaviors, and commits to change from within. True transformation begins with a renewal of the mind. (Adams, 1986) Expectations and Effectiveness of Theory The effectiveness of the theory is evaluated through the client progression towards a balanced h awareness of self, God, healthy relationships. (Crabb, 1977) theory suggests that success is measured in Spiritual and Psychological Maturity. The presentation of symptom relief, decreased maladaptive behaviors promote well-being. As counselors enter into experiences with our clients, we trust that God will bless their honesty and courage, as they display progression toward overall improvements in life functioning (Petrocelli, 2002) Worldview and Influence on Theory The basis for my theory is based on a worldview of personal experiences and reflection. It demonstrates a biblical foundation that incorporates the integration of psychology, spirituality and theology. The emphasis of theory reviews the systems surrounding the core self that affect personality, including temporal and supernatural systems. This theory allows a better understanding of the motivation behind a client’s choices. Approach to Integration My approach dispels the myth that Christianity is just a religious belief and psychology is just science of profession, it illustrates that combined integration counselor can understand that you can be a religious person, and still find solutions and order in the science of psychology that examines human behavior. Christianity does not inhibit scientific progress; in fact it is viewed as a major force to the further the exploration of the science. The Spoiled Egyptian Approach has a secular approach to psychology, the weeds out elements that oppose the truth in the scripture. (Crabb, 1977) Conclusion This theory is grounded in a well-balanced foundation. It addresses the theories of integration, Multitasking and Worldviews. The goal of a counselor is summarized into two parts; to lead my clients into an intimate relationship with God and guide the process of change. I believe the strong desire to help my clients begins within the heart of a counselor whose life inhabits the truth in the word of God, as a foundation for their personal theory of counseling. References Adams, J. E. (1986). How to Help People Change. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. Anderson, N. T. (2000). The Bondage Breaker; Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings, and Habitual Sins. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers. Backus, Dr., W., & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling Yourself the Truth. Bloomington, Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers. Clinton, T., & Ohlschlager, G. (2002). Competent Christian Counseling: Foundations and practices of compassionate soul care. Colorado Springs, Colorado: Waterbrook Press. Cloud, Dr., H., & Townsend, Dr., J. (1999). Boundaries in Marriage. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. Crabb, Dr., L. (1977). Effective Biblical Counseling; A Model for Helping Caring Christians Become Capable Counselors. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. 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